Lihtsad ja mahukad seljakotid
Need trendikad lihtsad ja mahukad seljakotid on valmistatud kvaliteetsest 100% puuvillast kangast ning on loodud rahuldama nii kooli- kui ka vabaaja vajadusi.
Tagasihoidlik disain sobib nii naistele kui ka tütarlastele ning see on varustatud tugeva lukuga, pehme sangaga ja reguleeritavate õlarihmadega mugavaks kandmiseks.
Seljakotil on ruumikas sisemus, kus on mobiiltelefonide tasku ja piisavalt ruumi raamatute, sülearvuti või muude igapäevaste esemete jaoks.
Lihtne ja mahukas seljakott on vastupidav ja stiilne ning sobib suurepäraselt igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, kooli või kontori jaoks.
The size of a 13inch laptop is around 30*21*2cm(a 13inch laptop is suitable for this bag)
the size of a 14inch laptop is around 34*24*2cm (a 14inch laptop is suitable for this bag)
the size of a 15inch laptop is around:36*25*2cm (a 15inch laptop is suitable for this bag)
all model iPads are suitable for this bag
Different brands of notebooks have slightly different sizes. Measured without computer bag/cover
material: canvas
lining: durable polyester cotton
closure type: zipper
the type of the bag: backpack
1. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. We promise to make the picture as close to the real color as possible
2. Due to different personal measuring techniques, there might be a 1-2cm error in the physical. Thank you!